To the right honourable Francis, earl of Huntingdon, baron Hastings, Hungerford, Newmark, Peverel, Botreaux, Molins, Moels and de Homet. By his Lordships permission, this map of Leicestershire from an actual survey began in the year 1775 and finished in the year 1777, with the utmost gratitude and respect is dedicated by His Lordship's most obliged, most obedient and most humble servant, John Prior

To the right honourable Francis, earl of Huntingdon, baron Hastings, Hungerford, Newmark, Peverel, Botreaux, Molins, Moels and de Homet. By his Lordships permission, this map of Leicestershire from an actual survey began in the year 1775 and finished in the year 1777, with the utmost gratitude and respect is dedicated by His Lordship's most obliged, most obedient and most humble servant, John Prior

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